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My services

I offer a range of services including one-to-one coaching, stress management and building reslience and support for teams and groups.

One-to-one coaching

Coaching programmes

You can book a programme of sessions for each individual. Sessions are generally 90 minutes in length and can be offered within your offices or online. We will agree the required number of sessions and timescales per person (as a guide many clients tend to book 3-6 per person and run these every 2-4 weeks).


Coach in situ

My coach in situ service can be really cost-effective if you have a number of employees who would benefit from coaching and/or stress management and resilience support. I will be available to offer 1-1 sessions for a half day or full day on an agreed regular basis (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) either in your offices or online.

Coaching vouchers

If it is easier budget-wise for you to purchase in bulk, coaching vouchers are a great option. You simply purchase an agreed number of vouchers upfront; each voucher being valid for one session. These can then be redeemed as and when required.


Stress management & building resilience

One-to-one sessions

If you have individuals who require stress management support I can offer coaching sessions focused on managing stress and building resilience; personalised to the coachee’s needs. I am trained in techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and hypnosis so these can be used if appropriate. 


Mental fitness online app
Shirzad Chamine’s bestselling book Positive Intelligence has been repurposed into an app-based 6-week mental fitness programme. I have partnered with an organisation able to offer this at a discounted rate.


Designed like a mental fitness bootcamp, the programme gives your people the insights, motivation, and structure to practice positive intelligence and mental fitness for a total of just 15-minutes per day for 6 weeks. The program combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices.

Teams and groups

Psychological safety

Psychological safety is defined as "a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes." Low psychological safety impedes team performance, innovation, learning and personal success.  High psychological safety is the number one indicator of high-performing teams.

I partner with an organisation working with Amy Edmonson of Harvard Business School to offer a psychological safety intervention.


Following a four step process we can understand which quartile your team is currently operating in, how close to optimum effectiveness the team is and explore the possibilities and potentials for improvement.

Training and development programmes
I work closely with a trusted associate to provide training or development programmes.


Whether you require off-the-shelf courses, short hard-hitting workshops or tailored development programmes, online or face-to-face, these interventions are designed to inspire immediate behavioural change whilst simultaneously building upon longer-term plans.

Get in touch 

To book a free consultation or to find out more: 

Call me on 07921 123329 or 01635 745009

Email me at 

I also offer personal coaching for individuals. Contact me to find out more.

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